Today on the show we have two exceptional women, Alexandria Taylor and Rita Soka! The duo is main force behind their law-firm ,Taylor Soka Lawfirm!
Alexandria Is also running for senate so be sure to giver her your support! For more information on Taylor Soka Law click the link – taylorsoka.com or call (313) 960-4339 If you wish to support Alexandria in her campaign click the link below! https://www.alexandriaforsenate.com/
Keeping Up With The Chaldeans is a weekly Podcast show based on Chaldean Entrepreneurs. We showcase your work in hopes that we can share the business amongst the community. Strength in numbers. That is our goal with the show
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If you would like to be featured on the show, visit and fill out the form. Thanks to Omar Binno for the music If you’d like to make a small donation to help the show click the link below. https://kuwtchaldeans.com/donate/